Who Created the Cubicle?

Thank goodness for working at home or I would never even think twice about a day job. For the first time in over 7 years I started working form a desk. During training we had to sit in a cubicle setting, I felt like someone just put a sleeping mask over my eyes. What in gods name is motivating about this? No matter mental health issues run rampant in this world. If you work at a cubicle, message me, let’s start a revolution. Anyways, second issue was, is it weird if I stand up every hour and flow through a Sun A? Our bodies are meant for movement and not moving them results in massive anxiety and more immediately the most awful posture problems. The more you hunch forward over a computer the more your tendons in your neck and all those muscles begin to shorten and strain. The back of your shoulder muscles over stretch and strain, causing those pestering knots we all hate. As well as all our hunching weakens our cervical spine (your neck) causing that forward head issue and the dreaded hunch in our upper back. Point is, we can all find ways to assist with these issues. They plagued me for years even when I was not working at a desk. And most recently my shoulder issues have triggered TMJ. Well, after my first week of work I made sure to flow through some chest opening baby backbends, held low cobras with no wrinkles in the back of my neck and worked some fascia release out of my shoulder and armpit area (yes the armpit, try it I swear you wont regret it ). Needless to say I worked out some of the kinks from my sitting discomfort and the best side effect was that my TMJ pain and strain reduced significantly! Thank god because peaches are so good this year…Not to mention relieving and sciatica trying to start a fight with me, through standing poses and dynamic hamstring stretching. Let me know if you are feeling the same! I am here to help.


Yoga Anatomy Academy


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